Hut…two…three…four, hut…two…three…four…Now drop and give me Twenty…seconds of your documentary film!
Ok, so we don’t really yell at our Bootcampers, but we do encourage them to have an awesome time while on campus with us during our annual Digital Bootcamp! This year we had over 100 Bootcampers from Grade 10, 11 and 12 join us for 5 fun-filled days of digital learning in missions such as “Brand Me” (Graphic Design), “Make a Film”, “Get Animated”, and “How to be a Professional Photographer”. Our eager visitors came from far and wide to live a week in the life of a College for Arts and Technology student, some from as far away as Saskatchewan! Monday was orientation day, and allowed the students to get their bearings, meet their classmates and instructors. Students were then given campus tours and their swag bags full of neat College for Arts and Technology goodies before heading off to their first classes at noon.
This year, our new Marketing Manager Tyler Finley was commander in chief of Digital Bootcamp 2014 and from all accounts, did a fantastic job of ensuring all things ran smoothly and our Bootcampers had an awesome time! But us folks at College for Arts and Technology like to work as a team, and it truly was all hands on deck to ensure snacks were put out on time, attendance was taken, instructors had all necessary resources and campus tours were running on schedule. Tyler said: “Our team couldn’t be happier with the way Bootcamp turned out this year. The students had an amazing time, the instructors did an incredible job, and all our staff pitched in to make sure that every single student joining us for Bootcamp was treated to a phenomenal learning experience and a chance to test-drive a career in the digital arts. This was such a great, well-behaved group of young people; we really hope to see lots of them on campus again one day as College for Arts and Technology students!”
An impressive group of Bootcamp parents also came for a guided tour of our campus, and much to their relief we did not make them do any pushups. But parents were encouraged to ask all the questions they wanted and have a chat with our on-hand program advisers once the tours concluded.
We wrapped up the week in true digital art school style; DJ NIGHT! We had set up two separate spaces to
accommodate all the Bootcampers and make room for the mountain of pizzas we ordered. We invited instructors and Bootcampers alike to show off their audio skills to a packed house and they put on a fantastic show! I would like to say we partied till the wee hours of the morning, but like the responsible bunch we are, the party concluded at 9:00pm…there was class to attend the next morning after all!
At this point, we want to extend a big, hearty THANK YOU to all the Bootcampers and their parents for allowing us to share our campus and programs that we are so proud of. We sincerely hope that you will come back for another round of punishment…er…education for next years’ Bootcamp and perhaps become a full student after highschool!
To see a full gallery of Bootcamp images please visit our Facebook album.