Blog > VHA Learning Pod #1 – Choosing a Rabbit as a Pet

VHA Learning Pod #1 – Choosing a Rabbit as a Pet

The CAT Learning Lounge is a place where people can come and learn all about the various topics taught by College for Arts and Technology, whether it be in long-form or in bite-sized form with our Learning Pods and/or Learning Blasts. Other series discuss 2D Animation and Audio Engineering and Production!

First up is “VHA Learning Pod #1”, with Kate Robertson, teacher in the VHA (Veterinary Hospital Assistant) program telling us the things to think about when deciding whether or not you should choose a Rabbit as a pet.

And in Part 2, Kate discusses what to consider when choosing a Chinchilla for a pet! There are 9 videos in the series, so check them all out in our CAT/VHA Learning Pod Playlist!

Learning Pod #1 – Choosing a Rabbit as a Pet

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