Kelowna Digital Bootcamp: March 25-28, 2013
Do you absolutely love music and you cannot live without it? Then join us at College for Arts and Technology’s Kelowna campus for your start into audio engineering. This is definitely the place to be if you can’t get enough of the music world!
Check out the Digital Bootcamp page on our site for full details on missions and activities, and to apply! Make sure to register early to make sure to get the mission you want! Go see the Kelowna Digital Bootcamp Brochure and Application Form for more details.
Digital Bootcamp 2013: Audio Engineering Missions
Digital Music Performer: Students are introduced to the different music genres such as House music, Dubstep, and Hip Hop. Each student will create their own digital music from the beginning to the end. Students will learn to manipulate sound and understand the process behind producing tracks. Students will get to create their own set list that they can perform at the Wednesday ‘Crazy Fun Evening Event’.
Recording an Indie Record: You will partner with a band to create an awesome track. You get to make the music sound magnificent, though it is harder than you think.
Studio Production: Work with a group of like-minded audio engineers and learn how to use the latest gadgets in a professional studio. Learn to control analogue and digital recording technologies.
Electronic Music Production: Learn to create wicked sound from our Apple computer labs by using audio software instead of the normal studio. Take this and apply it to audiovisual and multimedia production, game audio, and music composition for TV commercials.
New to Bootcamp? You’re in for a treat! Check out our CAT Digital Bootcamp channel on YouTube and the Facebook album from Kelowna Digital Bootcamp 2012 to get a sneak peak of what you can expect this year!
Tags: audio engineeringaudio engineering programaudio training canadaaudio training in canadaaudio training in kelownaCollege for Arts and technologyCollege for Arts and technology audio engineeringkelowna music scenemusic production