Blog > Kelowna Digital Bootcamp 2020 – March 23rd – 26th

Kelowna Digital Bootcamp 2020 – March 23rd – 26th


College for Arts and Technology’s annual Digital Bootcamp is fast approaching! But if you have never heard of DBC before, you might be wondering, “What is Digital Bootcamp?”. Well, let us explain it to you… Digital Bootcamp is an event created specifically for high school students in Grades 10 to 12 (and new for 2020 – recent high school graduates) to experience what it’s like to spend time inside a classroom in an official Digital Arts Post-Secondary School. Digital Bootcamp takes place over four days, Monday thru Thursday, from 9am-4pm and student attending camp can choose the “Mission” they want to participate in over the four days.

And what kind of “Missions” can you choose from?

  • Animation “Get Animated”
  • Digital Filmmaking “Make a Film”
  • Digital Photography “The Perfect Photograph”
  • Graphic Design “Brand Me”
  • Audio Engineering and Production “Creative Music Production”
  • Interior Design “Doorway”
  • Networking Security Administrator “Networking Agent”
  • Veterinary Hospital Assistant “Animal Health”

So why is Bootcamp four days? Other courses like Bootcamp can be one day, or over a weekend, but over the course of the four days, Bootcampers get to immerse themselves within their Missions and truly get a chance to “Test Drive” their course. For example, in “Get Animated” DBC students get a chance to sample both 2D and 3D Animation. In “Make a Film”, student get to make an actual 5-10 minute short film and see what it’s like to be a part of the filmmaking process. Only at Digital Bootcamp can students get a real hands-on experience.

And what does the registration fee cover? Well, of course it covers the entrance fee, but it also covers the costs of all the materials needed for the course (so all the students have to do on the first day of classes is show up!). Your fee also covers LUNCH everyday, catered by Bootcamp staff! Or at least catered by people who can, you know, cook!

What doesn’t the registration fee cover? Attendees have to find their own way to Kelowna and find a place to stay…however once registered, Bootcampers are eligible for discount rates at partner hotels…information will be provided for this after registration is completed.

And what else will the students experience during Bootcamp? In addition to the classes 9am to 4pm during the day, the students will have the chance to take part in night time events such as “Industry Night” and the “Squad Social”. “Industry Night” is where hand-picked Industry professionals come to the campus and have panel discussions about their experiences working in their fields, such as Animation, Interior Design and other Bootcamp Missions. Then the “Squad Social” incorporates a lot of fun events for the students, such as playing video games, board games, watching movies and a dance party so the DBC students can “blow off some steam” and make new friends!

It all ends on the final day of Digital Bootcamp with the “Student Showcase”, where parents are invited to tour the school and also sit in the same classrooms as the Bootcampers and experience for themselves what they went through all week. It’s a fun event where the parents can, in the case of “Make a Film”, watch the short films their kids have worked on all week inside an actual Theatre!

Recent Bootcampers had this to share…

“I enjoyed learning how to work on set w/lighting and hair and makeup teams. I also loved the experience of working with professional models.” The Perfect Photography Mission

“I didn’t know anything about animation before I came here so I learned about how 3D & 2D animations are made, Maya [The software animators use] and all about the industry and actual jobs as an animator.” Get Animated Mission

“I learned so much! I had no knowledge of behind the scenes of filmmaking but no I know a little bit about everything that goes into making a film.” Make a Film Mission

“The best thing in Doorway was the idea of how simple yet “realistic” this course and career path would be and showing that was really helpful to know.” Doorway Mission