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Sketches to Screens

Alumni Feature

2D Animation & Digital Art grad, Mattaus Crombie chats with us about being featured in a film festival, advice for new animators and what his future plans are! 

Mattaus Crombie, a recent grad from the 2D Animation & Digital Art program, is already turning heads in the animation world. He recently had a short film featured in a local film festival, and we caught up with him to find out more. Let’s dive into his journey, the story behind his festival submission, and what’s next for this up-and-coming animator. 

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” — Albert Einstein

Q: You’ve recently had a short film selected for a local film festival, can you tell us about the process of submitting your film and how it felt to be selected?

A: A while ago, Sean (Animation Department Head) approached myself and a couple of other students who were in the graduate access program and advised those of us who had  

finished our short films to submit them to the Student Okanagan Film Festival. I did so, and a few weeks later I was notified that my film had been selected. I was super honored, and on May 6th, I went to the showing with my family. It was very interesting to see what the other filmmakers had made, and although I didn’t win any of the awards, I had a great time. 

Artwork created by College for Arts and Technology 2D Animation & Digital Art grad, Mattaus Crombie.

“Take care of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup.” — Anonymous

Q: As a working artist, how do you maintain a healthy work/life balance? 

A: When I was in my final few quarters, I realized that I was spending a lot more time working at CAT than I was before to get all my projects done. I came to school almost every day, so to avoid getting too burned out, I started going outside for walks during my breaks so that I could get some fresh air, and I could continue my work with fresh eyes. 

Artwork created by College for Arts and Technology 2D Animation & Digital Art grad, Mattaus Crombie.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” — Benjamin Franklin

Q: What are some things you learned during your time at CAT that you think about often in your career? 

A: CAT taught me so much about the principals of animation, composition, and design, it’s hard to remember sometimes. I began my time here with low confidence in my artistic skills, but comparing my projects from when I began to the final quarter, it’s clear how much my animation skills have improved. 

Q: Any advice to share for younger artists pursuing a career in animation? 

A: Don’t be too hard on yourself. As someone who didn’t have much confidence in my skills going in, it’s important to stay motivated, take in feedback, and remember that you’re your own worst critic. If you keep working hard to improve, you can succeed! 

Artwork created by College for Arts and Technology 2D Animation & Digital Art grad, Mattaus Crombie.

Thanks for sharing with us Mattaus! We’re rooting for you every step of the way and look forward to watching your career evolve.  

Make sure to check out more of Mattaus’s work on his website

The College offers two animation diploma programs; 2D Animation & Digital Art and 3D Animation