We accept payments securely through an encrypted connection. We DO NOT store credit card numbers.
This transaction is protected by up to 256-bit encryption. Look for the lock symbol in your web browser.
Domestic Payment Options

Credit Card
Credit card payments are available, please select the appropriate payment option from the list below.

This payment option can be done through your online banking. The email address to send the payment through is, [email protected] In the notes field, enter: Students first and last name.

Cheque or Bank Draft
Contact our Finance team for guidance.
Domestic Credit Card Options
Please select the appropriate payment option from the list below.
International Application Fee $400
International Tuition Deposit $5000
Partial Tuition Payment (Enter an amount of your choosing)
Paper Transcript Grads After 2010 $10
Paper Transcript Grads Before 2010 $20
PDF Transcript Grads After 2010 $5
PDF Transcript Grads Before 2010 $15
Terms and Conditions
- I understand that submission of this application in no way guarantees admission into a program, and that admission is subject to meeting the College for Arts and Technology’s program prerequisites and that space is available.
- I understand that in accordance with Part 4(10)(1)(a) of the Personal Information Protection Act, we hereby notify you that your name and personal identification information, the name of your program of study, and the amount of the tuition paid will be forwarded to the Private Career Training Institutions Agency for the purpose of administering the Student Training Completion Fund. This information is collected by the PCTIA under section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
- I hereby certify that all statements on this application are true and complete in all respects and that no relevant information has been withheld. I understand that falsifying documents or information on this application will result in immediate and permanent dismissal from the College for Arts and Technology. I agree that if admitted to the College for Arts and Technology, I will comply with the regulations of the institute.
By submitting payment details, I understand and accept the above notices.