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Student Services
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You’ll get…
Personal and Academic Coaching
We recognize that students often have multiple challenges in their lives, be it health, home life, personal relationships or employment. Should you have personal or academic issues that arise during your course of studies here at the College, you are strongly encouraged to make an individual coaching appointment.
These sessions can be very helpful as a sounding board, helping you to develop coping strategies and work through your challenges. Please note our team may refer you to other professional services within the community if deemed appropriate.
Career Preparation and Assistance
Through a mix of workshops, lectures and practice sessions, we’ll help you identify and leverage your strengths as you build your career plans. We even provide opportunities for you to connect with future employers.

Student Handbook
We want you to succeed and our helpful Student Handbook is filled with helpful advice and resources. View and download your copy with the button below!
The Voice of the Students
Student Leadership Committee
Career Preparation and Assistance
College for Arts and Technology strongly believes that students not only have a voice but should be encouraged to use it. At our campus, there is a committee that is comprised of fantastic students that meet regularly to discuss student issues and opportunities. Meetings are held at least once a month where Members of these committees share ideas around and plan events and activities that contribute to student life and industry news. The meetings are attended by a member of Student Services to provide direction or feedback as needed. SLC members take their roles very seriously and recognize they are speaking on behalf of the entire student body.
This student leadership role provides a “voice of the student” by articulating concerns, issues and opinions from a student perspective and provide feedback regarding the College’s programs, facilities, support services, campus life, and overall general effectiveness. This dedicated group of students may also take on challenges throughout the year – planning and hosting events, attending networking events in the industry, or proposing changes to the daily routine of College students. Their voices are never quiet – and we thank them for it!
Have something to say?
How to Join The Committee:
Q1 students can attend meetings but not participate (not official members).
Students must be in good financial standing.
Q2 and up students must have achieved at least 80% overall in their previous quarter(s) of study.
Students must be in good financial standing.
Students must behave ethically in all their actions and deliberations.
Students must complete a 200 word statement of interest.
Visit us in the Student Services department for more details on how to apply. At least four members (from at least three different programs) must be signed on for the SLC to run each quarter.

Referral Program
Did you know we have an active referral program for Alumni? Once registered and approved for the program, you could earn $250 for each new student referral you make! Additional details and the form to register are available through the button below.
Community Services
While our Department will provide as much support as we can, sometimes outside resources are needed.
Here’s a list of a few local and provincial outreach organizations.
Need after-hours support?
Here2Talk offers free, confidential counselling and community referral services 24/7 to B.C. post-secondary students.
Access the services by the app, website or by calling: 1-877-857-3397 in Canada. If you are outside Canada, dial +1-604-642-5212; international calling charges may apply.
KUU-US Crisis line
KUU-US is an Indigenous, B.C. wide crisis line offering culturally safe crisis response to Indigenous people at risk. The line operates 24/7:
Adults/elders: 250-723-4050
Child/youth: 250-723-2040
Toll free: 1-800-588-8717
Crisis Line
If you are considering suicide or are concerned about someone who may be, please call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433).
Frequently Asked Questions
As a new student you may have questions, and we’ve got answers. Check out some of the most asked questions from new students below and don’t forget to review your Student Handbook for additional student guidelines and policies.
I received my schedule, but I don’t understand the course acronyms and numbers. Can you help?
Absolutely! For a summary of how to understand your schedule and courses, please see the graphic below:
I see I have “labs” on my schedule. What is a lab?
A lab is a three-hour block of time allotted for you to complete class assignments and to practice the skills you are developing. Not every class has a lab, so please refer to your schedule for details. Labs are considered mandatory and therefore your attendance is required, no different than for other courses.
It may also help to know that there are two types of labs; “Scheduled” (SCH) and “Offsite Eligible” (OE). SCH labs can occur throughout your program, whereas OE labs usually only occur in Quarter 2 onwards. Here’s a few more details on SCH and OE labs, but if you still have questions, please see our Scheduling and Academic Records Department.
SCH Labs:
- You have a scheduled day, time and location (on-campus) for your lab.
- You may have more than one scheduled lab per week. You must enter attendance for each lab, per week.
- Login to your student portal at online.digitalartschool.com to record your attendance.
- You must log in as soon as you start your lab, not after you have completed it.
- If you choose to do your lab in a different classroom or during another day/time within the school week, you must log in as soon as you start your lab and select the lab you want credited.
- All missed labs must be made-up within the same school week (Monday-Sunday).
OE Labs:
- You must opt-in for Offsite-Eligible labs by signing the OE Lab Acceptance form sent to you during your first quarter.
- You must maintain a grade average of 70% or higher in each quarter to remain eligible for OE labs in the following one.
- An off-site eligible lab does not need to be done on the assigned day or time, nor does it need tobe done on campus. You may choose another day or time within the school week.
- Attendance is counted automatically. You do not need to login to record your attendance.
- If you wish to do your OE lab on-campus rather than off-campus, you must see Scheduling & Academic Records before the end of Week 1 of each quarter (Q2 onwards). This lab will then be changed to a SCH lab.
How do I book an appointment with Student Services?
You are always welcome to stop by Student Services in person, but if you’d like to pre-book an appointment with either Trisha or Randal, you can do so using the buttons below:
Why do I need a student ID card?
On Orientation Day, on- campus students will have their photo taken and in a few short days, you’ll receive a shiny, new student ID card. It’ is important that you keep your ID with you at all times while on campus. Your ID card will permit you to sign out equipment from the Equipment Cage and use the facilities here at the College. Your card also allows staff to quickly identify you as one of our students for easy access to any of our services. If you lose your Student ID card, you can stop by the Equipment Cage at any time for a replacement.
I need to make some photocopies for a class assignment. Where can I get this done?
You’re in luck! There is a photocopier for student use on campus. If you need assistance, please stop by the main Reception Desk or Equipment cage. Please note the photocopier should be used sparingly (save a tree or two!) and only for educational use. Lastly, we ask that you use only the black and white setting.
I’d like to use the fitness facility, how do I get access?
The fitness facility on the lower level of Landmark III is not a CAT facility, however you are free to purchase a membership to use the space. You can obtain a membership from Al Stober Contruction in the Landmark VI building. Make sure to bring your Student ID and banking information as these will be required for membership sign up.
I’d like to bring a friend to campus to show them around, is that ok?
We love that you’re excited to show off your campus and your guest is welcome, so long as you followa couple simple guidelines.
- All guests must check in at reception and obtain a 1 hour guest pass.
- An adult must accompany children under the age of 18 at all times.
- Visitors are only allowed in the common spaces on campus, no guests are permitted in classrooms or lab on campus. If arranged prior to visit day, guests artists may have access to the recording studio and/or production studio at a scheduled time.
I’m having some technical issues, who do I contact for assistance?
I’m having some personal issues which have caused me to miss some classes. Should I be concerned?
Life definitely has its ups and downs and we’re sorry to hear that your current circumstances are affecting your attendance. Consistent attendance is very important to your success as a CAT student andas a future animator/photographer/graphic designer…fill in the blank…and we want to help you succeed! It is important to note that if you are on Student Loans, you must keep your attendance above 60% in order to avoid losing your funding.
Depending on the nature of your challenge, our Student Services Department is often the best place to ask for help. You can book an appointment with Randal or Trisha through the buttons below.
Something came up and I think I’m going to be late submitting an assignment. Are there penalties for assignments submitted after the due date?
We get it, life happens, and in this instance, we encourage you to communicate your challenges to your course Instructor. Depending on the course, instructor, and assignment, extensions may be provided in the case of illness, bereavement, etc.
Without prior communication with your Student Services and your course instructor, assignments submitted late will be subject to the following penalties:
- Up to 24 hours late (5% late penalty)
- 24 to 48 hours late (15% late penalty)
- 48 to 72 hours late (25% late penalty)
- After 72 hours late (assignment receives a “zero“)
I heard that free tutoring is available for students. Where can I find more information?
You heard right! Students who regularly attend classes and labs but require additional assistance, qualify for school – sponsored tutoring; twelve hours in their first quarter and seven in each following quarter. Tutors are typically students who have distinguished themselves in particular classes. Tutoring requests are made in Student Services and then reviewed for approval by the Department Head.
I feel like I already have the knowledge taught in (insert course name here). Can I challenge a course on my schedule?
If you feel that you already possess the knowledge and skills offered in a particular course, there are two possible ways that you may receive credit for a course. Complete details on these two methods can be found in your Student Handbook, but we’ve given a few details below. Before proceeding, please note that the following courses are not eligible to be challenged:
- All Professional Development courses
- Portfolio Production Workshops (PPW) in the last two quarters of the program
- Any course for which the prerequisite course has already been taken
- Courses at a 3rd quarter level or greater
This is credit granted based on previous academic course work and must have a course outline accompany the transcript submission. Courses that have been previously taken and failed cannot be used as a challenge. Students who believe they have the academic background to challenge a course may request to do so through the Director of Education. Challenges will only be accepted prior to starting the course or within the FIRST 3 WEEKS OF CLASSES (e.g. after the 2nd class but before the 3rd). No challenges will be accepted without post-secondary transcripts/documents. The cost associated with a challenge is $75.00. Extra fees may apply if any information provided is incomplete. The results of yourchallenge will be emailed to you.
This is a waiver from taking a required course based on related life or work experience. Courses that have been previously taken and failed cannot be used for PLA. Students who believe they can demonstrate that they have already obtained the knowledge and skills of a course through life or work experience may request a PLA by submitting a written application to the Director of Education. A PLA application will only be accepted prior to course start or within the FIRST 2 WEEKS OF CLASSES. The initial minimum assessment fee is $75.00 per course and must be paid upon submission of the PLA application. The full assessment fee to be charged will vary depending upon the method of assessment and will be determined by the Director of Education. It will be the responsibility of the Department Heador senior education official to assign the best method of assessment for each case. Results of your PLA will be emailed to you.
I would like to request a change to my schedule, who do I speak to about that?
While not every schedule change request will be granted, we do aim to be as accommodating as possible. During the first week of each quarter, students may request changes to their schedule through the Scheduling and Academic Records Manager. Until a decision is made on your request, you are required to attend your regularly scheduled classes and labs.
I woke up to a very snowy morning, will classes be cancelled today?
Good question! In the event of a particularly intense storm day and how it relates to class cancellations, we have chosen to follow UBC Okanagan’s cancellation decisions. The cancellation noticesare usually broadcast on local radio stations and posted on the UBC Okanagan website by 6:30 am.
I have some learning challenges that I worried will get in the way of my education at CAT. What supports are available for me?
At CAT, we recognize the individuality of every student and embrace diversity in learning abilities. As an inclusive educational institution, CAT welcomes students from all backgrounds to join our community. If you wish to share any learning challenges during program enrollment, our Education team will collaborate with you to ensure appropriate academic accommodations are provided whenever feasible.
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We run active social communities online and if you’re not following us yet, you’re missing out!
Don’t forget to add us to your LinkedIn profile under ‘Education’. Doing so makes it easier to stay connected with fellow CAT alumni!