College for Arts and Technology has not only given me the skills and knowledge I need but also shown me how to take what I’ve learned and produce a career in the Audio Industry. They also provided me with the time and facilities I needed to test my new abilities and gain the experience that is so crucial in this industry. During my time at CATO I worked for a local production company, worked on audio for local films, became the front-of-house tech for a local cafe, and had one of my compositions internationally recognized for a Lenovo product release. College for Arts and Technology showed me the door and how to turn the handle, but then it was up to me to open the door and run through it. I’m currently still quite busy with the jobs that I acquired while in school and have plans to move to Vancouver to further pursue audio production for film, TV, and my own music.
Reviews > Brandon Dorsey

Brandon Dorsey
Audio Engineering & Production Alumni