Reviews > Ron Carlin
Network Security Specialist Ron Carlin | College for Arts and Technology

Ron Carlin

Network Administration & Security Alumni

In late October 2007 I was biking to my nowhere job and I had an epiphany. Although I had a BA under my belt, I was going nowhere in my professional life. In fact, I was a call centre agent. I knew something had to change, and after looking at the economy and what jobs would best suit me I decided I would become a computer network administrator. I checked out several colleges that offered networking programs, but I knew as soon as I spoke with the staff at College for Arts and Technology that I had found the school I wanted.

In spite of the fact that I was almost 40 years old and had little computer experience, the networking instructors took the time necessary to ensure that I understood all the subjects and was keeping up with the class. They also made certain I didn’t feel out of place amongst the 20-something’s that made up the vast majority of the student body. After I graduated I was able to quickly find work, in spite of the recession that we were in. I would highly recommend the networking course offered by College of Arts and Technology. I now feel as though my career is definitely on track!