Students & Alumni

Student Services Department

The students and alumni at College for Arts and Technology are the driving force behind everything we do. We recognize the many ways our students and alumni invest in themselves; time, finances, and commitment, and we support this investment through a variety of student and alumni services.

Although education can be a personally transformative experience, our ultimate goal has always been employment for our graduates. That’s where our Student Services Department comes in! This passionate department offers customized support for students, alumni, and our valued industry partners that hire many of our grads.

Check out a summary of the support we offer students, alumni and industry partners below and visit each page for additional detai


Services for Students

Just take one step into Student Services and you’ll feel the difference. Our Student Services College is a vital part of the culture and strength of our school and has a welcoming and inclusive vibe. This department is here to support you on your personal and professional journey, whatever that looks like for you. Through group events, workshops, structured classes, and one-on-one coaching, you will learn to understand yourself, your goals and how to play to your strengths to find a career you’ll love!

Moving to Kelowna to attend CAT? We can provide support and guidance for you in your search for suitable accommodation.

Services for Alumni

As an alumni, you’ll always be part of the CAT family, no matter how long it has been since you graduated. Recent grads (from eligible programs) in good standing can sign up for our Graduate Access Program (GAP), giving you three additional months of campus access after graduation.

And our team in Student Services will always be here to help! Maybe you need a second set of eyes to polish up your resume for a new position you’re after, or perhaps you’re experiencing a unique career challenge you’d like to discuss, we’ve got you! And don’t forget, our department maintains current information on employment opportunities. Want to receive job lead emails again? Yep, we can do that too!

Looking for copies of your CAT Transcript or Diploma, fill out our request form and we’ll get right on it!

Grads in the industry

Services for Industry & Employers

The value of strong connections with local, national and international industry cannot be understated. This direct link to industry is symbiotic for both our graduates and the employers they serve, as well as our programs, ensuring our curriculum is kept sharp and up to date.

Our Industry Relations page is your direct link to working with our talented students and graduates. Complete the online form to submit your employment, internship or volunteer opportunities for students and alumni.

Join the

We run active social communities online and if you’re not following us yet, you’re missing out!

Don’t forget to add us to your LinkedIn profile under ‘Education’. Doing so makes it easier to stay connected with fellow CAT alumni!